Ivy Wilson on “Axis Bold as Love: On Sylvia Wynter, the Science of the Word, and More Humanly Workable Geographies”

Event time: 
Monday, October 13, 2008 - 12:00am
Linsly-Chittenden Hall (LC), Room 211 See map
63 High Street
Event description: 

Ivy Wilson is Assistant Professor of English at Northwestern University. She writes in the areas of comparative black diaspora cultures and African American literature and culture. Wilson writes in the areas of comparative black diaspora cultures and African American literature and culture.

Professor Wilson’s lecture, “Love for the Race: Trans-National Ideality from the Age of the New Negro to Blaxploitation” argued that “by contextualizing the invocations of Ethiopia–as classical, mythic, or anti- colonial,” his project aimed to illuminate “a split in the ontology of the category “African American,” one that compels it to be registered as either a dialectic or an antinomy.”