Aaron Kamugisha is Senior Lecturer in Cultural Studies at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus. He completed his PhD Social and Political Thought at York University in Toronto, and was the 2007/8 Postdoctoral fellow in the Department of African-American Studies at Northwestern University. His current work is a study of coloniality, cultural citizenship and freedom in the contemporary Anglophone Caribbean, mediated through the social and political thought of C.L.R. James and Sylvia Wynter. He is the editor of the following collections Caribbean Political Thought: The Colonial State to Caribbean Internationalisms (2013), Caribbean Political Thought: Theories of the Post-Colonial State (2013) and (with Yanique Hume) Caribbean Cultural Thought: From Plantation to Diaspora (2013). In 2007, he edited with Alissa Trotz a special issue of Race & Class “Caribbean Trajectories: 200 Years On” to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the British abolishment of the slave trade. His most recent collection is a special issue of The C.L.R. James Journal on Black Canadian Thought. His work has been published in journals such as Race & Class, Small Axe, The Philosophical Forum, Caribbean Quarterly, Proudflesh, The Journal of Caribbean History and the Journal of West Indian Literature. He is currently the Book Reviews Editor and a member of the editorial working committee for the journal Social and Economic Studies, and a member of the editorial collective of the journal Small Axe: A Caribbean Journal of Criticism.