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Initiative on Race, Gender and Globalization
IRGG Spotlight
2018 - 2019
2015 - 2016
2014 - 2015
2013 - 2014
2012 - 2013
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2010 - 2011
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Previous Events
Anupama Rao: "Social Abstraction, Historical Comparison: Thinking Caste, Race, and Gender in the Time Capital"
Gyanendra Pandey: "Modernity in the Home: A Reflection on 20th Century India"
Duana Fullwiley: "The Ancestors Watch in Disbelief: Genomic Ancestry, Power, and (Un)freedom"
Ilona Katzew: "The Invenstion of Casta Painting: Race and Science in the Age of Enlightenment"
Deborah Thomas: "Political Life in the Wake of the Plantation: Affect, Witnessing, Repair"
Nikhil Pal Singh: "Race and America's Long War"
Grace Notes: Reflections for Now
Grace Notes: Reflections for Now
Renee Cox Lecture
Black Pulp!
Urban Narratives of Injustice: On “The Wire”
2014 to 2015
Prospects of Empire: Slavery and Ecology in Eighteenth-Century Atlantic Britain
Anna Arabindan-Kesson: "Naming the Money: Accounting for Empire in British Art"
Figures of Empire: Slavery and Portraiture in Eighteenth-Century Atlantic Britain
John Akomfrah screens "The Stuart Hall Project"
David Scott on "Omens Of Adversity: Tragedy, Time, Memory, Justice"
Tina Campt: "Image Matters: Archive, Photography, and the African Diaspora in Europe"
Joscelyn Gardner: "Creole Portraits"
Ellen Gallager: "DeLuxe"
Roundable on Stephan Palmié's "The Ejamba on North Fairmount Avenue, the Wizard of Menlo Park and the Dialectics of Ensoniment: As Episode in the History of an Acoustic Mask"
Pioneering the History of Black Britain: A Conference in Honor of James Walvin
Tracing Dollars, Mapping Colonial Feminism: America Funds Women’s "Democracy" Training in Iraq
Rob Nixon: “Slow Violence, Neoliberalism and the Environmental Picaresque”
Sumanth Gopinath: “Trajectories of the Political Ringtone: Hugo Chavez and the Referendum of 2007”
An Evening with Thomas Glave
An Evening with Bernardine Evaristo on “Blonde Roots”
An Evening with Caryl Phillips: “In the Falling Snow”
Vivek Bald on "At the Limits of Diaspora? Indian Muslims in New Orleans and Harlem, 1890-1950"
Denise Ferreira da Silva: “At the Limits of 'Diaspora'? Indian Muslims in New Orleans and Harlem, 1890-1950”
Nikhil Pal Singh: “Rivers of Blood: Raciality, Violence, and the Possibility of Global Justice”
Anthony Foy on “An Exceptional Empire: Race and War in US Globalism”
Alexander Weheliye on “Dust Wheel in the Ruins: Katherine Dunham’s A Touch of Innocence”
Darby English: “Ideogrammatics as Physiognomy”
Katherine McKittrick: “Abstracts of Intimacy”
Ivy Wilson on “Axis Bold as Love: On Sylvia Wynter, the Science of the Word, and More Humanly Workable Geographies"
Jayna Brown on “Love for the Race: Trans-National Ideality from the Age of the New Negro to Blaxploitation”
Jayna Brown on “The Human Project: Bodily Dystopias and the Utopics of Race”
Daphen Brooks on “The Noisettes: Black Female Singers and Sonic Afro-Feminist Praxis”
Jennifer Morgan on “Statistics, Sex and Slavery: Women in British Colonial Slave Societies”
Stephen Robertson on “Shifting the Scene of the Crime: Sodomy and the History of Rape”
Plantation to the Prison: Incarceration and U.S. Culture
John L. Comaroff: “Ethnicity Inc.”
Deborah Thomas on “Bodies, Bodies Everywhere: Exemplary Spectacularity as Slavery’s Legacy in Jamaica”
Caryl Phillips and James Walvin on “The Trader, the Owner, the Slave”
James Walvin: “The Zong, Abolition and Public Sensibility”
Sarah Nutall and Achille Mbembe on “A Politics of Entanglement: Being in Johannesburg”
A Celebration of Michael Veal and Sarah Weiss
Achille Mbembe on “South Africa: The Transnational Nation?”
Ranjana Khanna: “Asylum and its Indignities”
A Conversation between Saidiya Hartman & Hazel Carby: “Lose Your Mother," A Journey Along the Atlantic Slave Route
A Conversation between William Henry & Michael Veal: “What the Deejay Said: A Critique from the Street!”
Joan Scott on “Cover-Up: French Gender Equality and the Islamic Headscarf”
Regina Kunzel on “Lessons in Being Gay: Queer Encounters & Gay Prison Activism”
Susan Willis: "To Err on the Side of Life"
First Annual International Conference: New Paradigms for the Caribbean in the Age of Globalization
Robert Nixon on “What is a War Casualty? Environmental Perspectives on High-tech Warfare”
Anne McClintock: "Environmentalism and Postcolonial Literatures"
Michelle A. Stephens on "Black Empire: The Masculine Global Imaginary of Caribbean Intellectuals in the United States, 1914-1962"
An Evening with Artist Sonia Boyce
David A. Bailey: "Painting and Beyond"
Cheryl Finley on “Curating the Racial Experience: From Harlem to Blaxploitation”